We handle form submissions so you can focus on design

When we went to launch our new Jekyll Site for Literate Computing we didn't like any of the form processing sites we found, so we decided to make our own, just to get the job done. Then we decided that the system was too good not to share.

Built on top of Discourse

Literate Computing provides installation, management, and support services for Discourse, the best forum software on the planet. When we needed a form processing platform, we created a Discourse plugin. https://hub.formhoster.com/ is where you can go to discuss forms as well as have them processed. If you have recommendations about how to make things better, we have a public place where you can let us know.

Add a form to your static web side

You have your web site. Now you want to get some information from your site visitors. .

We provide the code you need to make forms work

We know how to make forms work. Our customizable template system generates the HTML needed to insert the form on your site while you craft the message you will receive when the form is submitted.

Automatically generated HTML with Jekyll Frontmatter

Our expertise is in automating things so that they work and no one has to worry about them. You want HTML that will result in your form getting processed? We've got you. It's your responsibility to make it pretty (but we will do our best to make that as easy as possible).
Alternative text for the image

Contact form template

Start with the template of the information as you want to see it. FormHoster generates code that you paste directly into your Jekyll site.

Code ready to paste

FormHoster generates the code with everything needed to make it work. No need to fuss with figuring out how to change it to get it processed. You can focus on what your users will see.

Try it out!
Image of ready-to-paste form code

Other Services

If you want a Discourse site, perhaps to embed comments in your static site, Literate Computing can help you out.